Saturday, March 5, 2011

Well it HAS been a while.

So it has been a jolly long time since I posted to my blog. The last time I did was for a competition rather than actually being to post to my blog properly, so it's kind of like getting a rose from your boyfriend on Valentine's Day, only to find out that he actually was given it by another girl and he wouldn't have gotten you anything had your father not paid him out for not getting you anything. Sounds like too-specific a situation? Well it totally happened to me when I was 17. Whatever, I'm not bitter.

ANYWAY! Much has been going on, not the least of which is that I have set up not one, but TWO other blogs. One is a super-sensible resumé-type space for me to link to all my various career-related exploits, and the other is a blog set up for my community radio show. My co-host and I call ourselves the Tangent Surfers, because that's kind of what we do. Anyway, there are a whole bunch of old shows posted there and the playlists of what tunes we spun and all that jazz.

Another exciting thing is that I have just started my final year of undergrad study at Uni, so this chapter of my life seems to be coming very swiftly to a close. Hopefully by the end of the year I will be Supreme Ruler of the World, but failing that I'll be able to speak French a little less shitter (I doubt the same could be said of my English), c'est possible... peut-ĂȘtre? As part of my final year I need to do some interning, and I was lucky enough to get a position with ABC Pool, which has led on to some very welcome paid work huzzah!

Apart from that it is study, study, study, work, work work. Hopefully I will get a chance to go back to my most favourite Bikram yoga place in Darlinghurst. Incidentally, I got to interview the owner of the school, Darren Ma. I wrote an article about it for Uni if you're interested. I love this guy, he's pretty awesome.

I started a tumblr account too but it died in the ass. Many exciting things are coming up in the not-too-distant future so watch this space! (Not *this* space necessarily, but the blog itself more generally... though you can watch that space if you want. This is the Procrasti Nation: it's a free country as long as you're not doing what you're meant to be doing.)