Thursday, October 7, 2010

POE'M Competition

So I have to leave for class in about 10 minutes and I am still in my pyjamas but I saw this competition and couldn't help myself. Compose a POE'm for Doe Deere? Absolutely!

I took my inspiration from the very first moment I came across the Doe Deere Blogazine and wanted to express just how much this site has helped to brighten my days. Enjoy!

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I blundered, weak and weary,
through this dreaded essay which had long since earned my scorn,
While I blinked through bleary eyes, suddenly came a surprise
In the welcome form of salutation from the Queen of the Unicorn
"Tis just a dream, this bright delight, the Queen of the Unicorn?"
I scoffed while stifling a yawn.

Distinctly I recall those days, of late nights in scholarly haze,
Caffeinated nightmares picked apart my addled mind
When a bright delight, the unicorn, swept in with the early morn
With gleeful lessons, flights of fancy, what a glorious site to find,
Delightful dresses, shoes and tresses were displayed for all to find
Some daylight for my mind.

Life has now shuffled on, a year older - a year more strong
Yet I cannot forget the whimsy of a blog I found at dawn
One night as a laboured, on a pursuit that I once savoured
the study of ancient history had become a big old yawn,
Where would my mind be without the Queen of the Unicorn?
Nothing more than a stifled yawn.

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