Saturday, October 3, 2009

Painting a Room. Part Two: Undercoat

The next in a long line of ways to avoid doing assessments or whatever other important-but-painful thing you have to do is to paint an undercoat!

Procrasti Nation Score
Time Occupied... high (4 hours total)
Difficulty... moderate
Getawaywithitability... high

My parents have recently moved back into the house that they lived in when they were first married. It was designed and built by my dad - a teacher. For the last eon the house was occupied by a large and messy family who decided that they were well within their rights to paint our house... my room is bright pink. They also pinned thumbtacks right into the walls and drew in permanent marker on the powerpoints. I had a lot to do, and a lot to get cranky about. So after we sanded and filled the pin-holes, we set about getting rid of the pink. The cool thing about painting is that you often have to do multiple coats, so you can paint to procrastinate and then procrastinate from painting while it dries. Double-whammy!
A sure-fire way of knowing if you will get away with Procrasti Native acts of patriotism is if you come away dirty from it. You can't get much better than paint smears.

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