Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Im feeling a little pathetic right now - mainly because I have been browsing other blog sites and they all look so damn together. People with their knowledge of photoshop and stuff showing off... I tried to edit a banner together for shits and giggles and I nearly killed myself because I couldn't get it to look the way that I wanted it to.

Why should I feel like I have to compete with these people? I constantly look at other sites and think "wow, it would be cool to have that site, and that talent and that ability to put it together". It's almost a "wow, I wish I could be them" moment, but I find myself stifling that thought as soon as it enters my mind because it is simply a stupid concept to entertain.

When I was going for jobs (oh how many fucking interviews have I had??) there was several where I wished I was just that little bit more professional/edgy/hardcore/indie whatever. The result? I felt like I had no identity - I felt that my identity was the business of the people around me. You need a professional, happy go lucky receptionist? Sure I could be that. You need an edgy, cool but organised sales assistant? Hell's yeah I am there... well I could be there if I knew where there was... if I knew how to look like her... act like that...

So here we are - I don't wish I was you, because I am me and there's nothing either of us can do about it. My blog will have in it what I like, regardless of what I think you think I think I should or should not want to like or not like. Yeah, you read that.

Fuck labels.

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